Sunday, July 02, 2006

Stress and Your Weight

For several years now researchers have discovered a definite link between stress and weight or health problems.

Is stress keeping you fat? Absolutely it is!

This is because many of us use food to manage our stress.

From child hood we were conditioned to this response when our parents gave us a treat so we would stop crying.

You see, certain foods react with our bodies to create happy chemicals in our brain. Maybe you’ve noticed how some of those naughty little snacks seem to make you feel instantly better.

Now there is nothing wrong with this fact per say, except that some of these same foods are also addictive in nature.

Many of us have become so addicted to junk food that we just can’t stop eating when we should.

Throw in a little guilt, fear, anger or frustration and now you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

It is essential that we have alternatives to dealing with these stresses of life.

Here’s a simple alternative :

Remove the addictions by detoxing, and you will no longer want or desire those junk foods. Your tastes will change easily and you will automatically choose healthy foods for comfort.
Click here to go the
Juice Detox website.

Till next time, stay well!


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