Are You Still Counting Calories to Lose Weight?

Do you know the calorific value of every food?
Do you add up calories in your head all day?
OK, I’ll have this bit of toast, then I’ll have this for lunch and that for dinner.
But some well meaning person offers you some food, and it would be impolite to refuse, so now you’ve used up your dinner allowance.
Ok so no dinner, but I’m hungry, so I’ll just have a bit of it.
Now I’ve exceeded my allowance again, after all this effort!
Sound familiar? Does the same pattern repeat itself the next day, and the day after that?
Calorie counting is not only tedious, it means you are restricting your food intake and denying yourself the foods you know you shouldn’t eat.
Eating less is NOT going to solve your weight loss problems. Temporarily, maybe. Permanently? Definitely not. Your body needs fuel to survive, and it will get it, despite your willpower and denial.
There is a way to EAT ALL YOU WANT, WHATEVER YOU WANT, WHENEVER YOU WANT and still lose weight.
The Amazing Diet Weight Loss Plan promises all that PLUS increased health, decreased health problems, and more energy and vitality than you ever knew was possible. Sounds too good to be true?Visit and see for yourself!
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